7007 Epoksi AnkrajEpoxy Anchor Paste


It is an epoxy resin based, two component, very resistant to corrosion, epoxy anchor and mounting mortar used for anchoring bolts and irons to concrete, rock or wall.

► Epoxy Resin Based
► Vibration Resistant
► Flowability Feature
► Indoors and Outdoors
► High Strength
► Solvent Free

> Ral
> Public Works Pos No: 04.613/8E

• It is used in load be­aring sur­fa­ces, mac­hi­ne fo­un­da­ti­ons, ins­tal­la­ti­on of mac­hi­ne as­sembly and un­der-co­lumn pla­tes, comp­res­sor, high speed tur­bi­ne, crane rails, as co­ating, re­pa­ir, fil­ling and ho­ri­zon­tal crack re­pa­ir ma­te­ri­al re­sis­tant to dy­na­mic loads, fric­ti­on and im­pact in wa­re­ho­use and lo­ading areas, in in­dust­ri­al flo­ors, air­ports, ru­n­ways and ap­rons, in brid­ge be­arings. Su­itab­le for in­do­or and out­do­or on ho­ri­zon­tal sur­fa­ces.

• High re­sis­tan­ce to che­mi­cal ef­fects.
• It gains high st­rength shortly after app­li­ca­ti­on.
• High re­sis­tan­ce to dy­na­mic loads.
• It has high ab­ra­si­on re­sis­tan­ce and mec­ha­ni­cal st­rength.
• Pro­vi­des ex­cel­lent ad­he­si­on on many dry and clean sur­fa­ce types.
• It is easy to mix and apply thanks to its spe­ci­al fil­lings.
• Sol­vent-free, eco-fri­endly.

a) Surface Preparation:
The sur­fa­ce sho­uld be dry, clean, sound and free of dust, oil, dirt or ad­he­si­on pre­ven­ti­ve ma­te­ri­als sho­uld be cle­aned from the sur­fa­ce and ma­te­ri­als such as mor­tar and ce­ment re­si­du­es sho­uld be sc­ra­ped. Conc­re­te must be cured for a mi­ni­mum of 28 days. The comp­res­si­ve st­rength of the conc­re­te sho­uld be mi­ni­mum 25 N/mm². Make sure that the floor is comp­le­tely dry be­fo­re app­li­ca­ti­on. The ma­xi­mum mo­is­tu­re con­tent of the conc­re­te sho­uld be 5%. All metal pla­tes and ex­po­sed re­bars that will come into con­tact with the ma­te­ri­al must be blas­ted app­rop­ri­ately and the sur­fa­ce sho­uld be pri­med with a su­itab­le pri­mer wit­hin 4 hours fol­lo­wing this pro­cess.

b) Product Preparation:
7007 Epoksi Ankraj is pac­ka­ged in app­rop­ri­ate qu­an­ti­ti­es in two com­po­nents. Com­po­nent B (har­de­ner) sho­uld be added to com­po­nent A (epoxy resin) and mixed with 400-600 rpm drill with mixer tip for 1-2 mi­nu­tes. The com­po­nents were pac­ka­ged in the cor­rect mi­xing ra­ti­os. If a por­ti­on of the pro­duct is to be used, this rate sho­uld be ob­ser­ved.

c) Application Method:
The pro­duct is flu­ent and app­li­ed by po­uring. It is sha­ped by sp­re­ading with tro­wel or spa­tu­la. In fil­lings to be made under large pla­tes, cas­ting sho­uld be made on one side and care sho­uld be taken not to cre­ate air poc­kets. After cas­ting, the ma­te­ri­al sho­uld be swol­len and help to eva­cu­ate the air. Due to the sp­re­ading pro­per­ti­es of the ma­te­ri­al, Ca­vity aro­und to be fil­led is mol­ded. Mold edges and jo­ints sho­uld be clo­sed well. In order to re­mo­ve the molds easily after cu­ring, it is app­rop­ri­ate to cover the con­tac­ting parts with the mold re­le­ase agent. The mold width on the side on which the ma­te­ri­al will be po­ured shall not be more than 50 mm. It is su­itab­le to pour the ma­te­ri­al from mi­ni­mum he­ight of 150 - 200 mm for com­for­tab­le and con­ti­nu­o­us flo­wa­bi­lity. In order to en­su­re full con­tact of the ma­te­ri­al with the bot­tom of the base plate, the head sho­uld be kept cons­tant du­ring the app­li­ca­ti­on so that no air gap is left in be­t­we­en, the app­li­ca­ti­on sho­uld be car­ri­ed out con­ti­nu­o­usly if pos­sib­le, and the mi­x­tu­re amo­unts must be cal­cu­la­ted in ad­van­ce.


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